Benefits of wearing sandalwood beads
The benefits of wearing sandalwood beads are that it helps stimulate the base Chakra and it enhances trust, identity, and life force (sexual energy). If you are looking for a perfect Buddhist sandalwood bracelet this is it. Our Buddhist sandalwood beads have taken us years to perfect. All our Sandalwood is sourced from India. Now a day’s Sandalwood bracelets are expensive and exceedingly rare to find (Real sandalwood bracelets). This is due to the fact that sandalwood is becoming rare/extinct. Many countries are placing a ban on cutting down sandalwood. This is for the reason that sandalwood is becoming extinct. Throughout the year’s sandalwood beads have been getting extremely popular. Our sandalwood beads help's with a lot of things, both within and without. Sandalwood has many benefits. Sandalwood is becoming expensive and extinct because of the benefits it can provide to a person.
Other Sandalwood Bead Benefits
Benefits Of Wearing Sandalwood Beads:
- It Can Bring Peace To One.
- It Can Calm One.
- It Stimulates Awareness.
- It Brings Good Luck.
- Get's Rid Of Negative Energy Around You.
- It Helps You Concentrate.
- It Can Relieve Stress.
- Helps With Sleep.
- Get's Rid Of Negative Energy.
- Controls Anger.
- Helps Mentally.
- Helps With Meditation.
- Helps Physically.

Sandalwood Beads Negative Energy: It is believed that a true Sandalwood bracelet can remove negative energy from someone.
Sandalwood Healing Benefits: It is believed that a Sandalwood bracelet can heal one. Both, physically and mentally. Sandalwood used to be a way to heal from cuts. Sandalwood bracelets also are helpful in meditation.
Sandalwood Physical Benefits: The smell of Sandalwood plays a big part in healing. Its scent has been used throughout the centuries for headaches, nervousness, and frigidity. Wearing a Sandalwood bracelet on skin or irritation also can heal the area.
Sandalwood Spiritual Benefits: Sandalwood's spiritual healing energy helps accent the innate qualities of compassion and love of a person. Beautiful sandalwood bracelets.
Sandalwood is considered one of the most precious and sacred woods of all time. Many people believe that sandalwood has many benefits like excellent medical and magical benefits. It is believed that wearing sandalwood will increase the power of your wishes, cleanse your spirit, and strengthen your mind. Get Your Sandalwood Bracelet Here.
Meaning Of Sandalwood Bracelet
The meaning of Sandalwood bracelet is a protective wood that is believed to protect one from negative energy. It is also known for healing and improving blood circulation. It also helps in manifesting what you desire, dream, and need to heal. A Sandalwood bracelet is also a powerful way to enhance your meditation skills. Sandalwood beads can also enhance relaxation, aiding peaceful sleep and subduing aggression. A Sandalwood bracelet helps surrounds you with as much positive energy as possible. Sandalwood bracelet is like no other. The meaning behind it has also been the same for centuries.

Sandalwood Beads Meaning
The meaning of Sandalwood beads is the same as the bracelet. However, It’s less successful to use Sandalwood beads rather than a Sandalwood bracelet. Wearing a sandalwood bracelet can help protect someone from negative energy. It can help with healing and improving blood circulation, and It also helps in manifesting what you dream, desire, and need to heal. Sandalwood beads are found everywhere. However, finding real and authentic Sandalwood beads is an extreme challenge. With 87% of Sandalwood beads being fake it is not easy getting your hand on real Sandalwood beads.

What sandalwood beads are believed
Sandalwood is believed to be the wood of immortality, not like other wood losing the scent or the aroma after the wood is cut; sandalwood retained its beautiful fragrance for decades. Sandalwood beads have been around for centuries, however, sandalwood is on the verge of going extinct. Due to that fact, many companies are now using fake sandalwood beads. However, we as "Buddhist bracelets" don't believe that and we only believe in selling the best. Get Your Sandalwood Bracelet Here.
Sandalwood beads used as a meditation tool
Sandalwood beads can stop acne/eczema?

Some people might be afraid of wearing our sandalwood bracelet. However, Our Buddhist sandalwood beads have many antibacterial qualities. Sandalwood can be useful for certain skin irritations like acne and eczema. This is one of many reasons why sandalwood beads are becoming so popular. A hundred years ago people used sandalwood as medicine (can be an oil). Our sandalwood beads have been for over 125 years and will remain that way forever. Interested in reading about sandalwood oil click here.

The History & Benefits Of Sandalwood Beads
Sandalwood has been used in craftsmanship for over 1500 years. Real sandalwood bracelets come in such little quantities. Our sandalwood bracelets usually come in a pack of 5-10. This is because Sandalwood is only harvested when the trees are between 30 and 50 years old. If you smell our sandalwood bracelets, you will smell the beauty and authenticity of sandalwood. A nice and sweet, but strong smell. The beauty of sandalwood is that the oil fades away from the bracelet and goes on your wrist. There are many benefits of this. Your main most important veins are located on your veins. Most companies who sell sandalwood bracelets are not real and their bracelets will not have a scent. Our sandalwood bracelets have the smell of the tree and will have a beautiful smell.

Sandalwood Benefits
In tradition, sandalwood oil has been used for centuries. True/Authentic sandalwood oil can help with:
- Common Cold
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Liver Problems
- Gallbladder Problems
- Digestive Problems
- Muscle Problems
- Mental Disorders

What Scientist Say’s About Sandalwood?
Some studies have shown that the idea of sandalwood can have a lot of health perks. For example, some studies have shown it can help with:
Skin Cancer

1. Sandalwood Can Help With Alertness:
A study in Planta Medica showed that sandalwood oil can increase someone’s blood pressure and pulse. These can majorly help with someone’s alertness.

2. Sandalwood Can Help With Anxiety
A study from Complementary Therapies In Clinical Practice shows that both sandalwood oil and bracelet can/may help reduce someone’s anxiety. They did run some tests, but the sample size was too small. However, the results were very promising.

3. Sandalwood Can Help With Wound Healing
A study from Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Bochum, Germany showed that skin cells contain olfactory receptors for sandalwood. When sandalwood oil/bracelet touches the wound it shows that the growth of healing increases.

4. Sandalwood Can Help With Bacterial Infections
Research from the Journal Of Crano-Maxillofacial Surgery shows that sandalwood oil may provide some fighting against diseases. The specific disease they tested was MRSA.

5. Sandalwood Can Help Skin Cancer
A study showed by the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics shows that a compound found In sandalwood may help fight skin cancer. That comping is called a-santol. Some have shown that this component can help promote cancerous cells.
What Sandalwood Bracelet You Should Look For?
The best type of sandalwood bracelets tends to be 100% sandalwood and don’t have any artificial wood. Artificial wood can harm one and can cause numerous risks to one who has never worn one before. However, sandalwood bracelets tend to come in such little quantities and there is a huge demand for real/authentic sandalwood bracelets. To improve your chance of finding authentic sandalwood bracelets, contact the owner and see if it has artificial wood.
Because sandalwood bracelets are in such high demand, there are many synthetic sandalwood bracelets. The United States is one of the largest importers of sandalwood bracelets, so there’s a chance you find fewer quality bracelets around the world due to both the rarity and high demand.

Sandalwood Takeaway
Sandalwood has been used for thousands of years. Throughout those years many have used them for health benefits. Although the medical proof is lacking, sandalwood bracelets may have a lot of health benefits that we don’t know about. After all, it has been around and used for thousands of years. There is a lot more research needed to confirm the health benefits of sandalwood bracelets. However, the scent alone is amazing and is like no other.

Enjoy sandalwood while it lasts. Although sandalwood is still around many scientists have speculated that sandalwood is ongoing to go on the “Endangered species” list by 2023. The smell and benefits of sandalwood oil are like no other and cannot be remade. So like we previously said enjoy the beautiful scent of sandalwood oil and bracelet. And enjoy the health benefits it provides for us.