Wood Spiritual Meaning: Understanding
Each type of wood has a different wood spiritual meaning.
In native American teachings, they used to speak of trees as “people” or “standing people."
These native teachings speak of the special lessons and gifts each standing person must give.
In this blog, we will explore the most common type of wood with spiritual meaning.

Birch Wood Spiritual Meaning:
Birch wood has been around since the very beginning of life. It’s believed it gives the essence of truth. It is considered the ‘Tree Of Giving.” The tree that gives positive energy to the one near it or even wearing a wooden bracelet.

Walnut Wood Spiritual Meaning:
Walnut is also an extremely popular wood. It teaches us clarity and focus on things we strive for. Whether its success or peace or whatever you have in mind. This tree focuses on this. It a mental gift helps us with the best use of our intelligence. It helps unlock parts of our brain we don’t use often.

Oak Wood Spiritual Meaning:
Oak wood one of the more popular wood teaches strength. Both physically, spiritually, and mentally. It helps us keep our bodies strong and healthy for a long period of time. Understanding Oak wood spiritual meaning isn’t easy to do. Due to the fact it’s so complex.

Pine Wood Spiritual Meaning:
The tree of peace. The tree that brings peace to one’s body. Known as the Pine wood. If you are seeking peace within and happiness, then this is the best wood you can go with. Sandalwood also helps with this aspect which we will go into more details in below.

Agarwood Wood Spiritual Meaning:
Agarwood is one of the more exotic woods.

On the verge of extinction and has been seen in the Bible and used by the prophet Muhammad (May Peace Be Upon Him).
It is believed that agarwood can keep you calm and at peace.

It is much more of a popular wood. However, there are different types of agarwood from different regions.
Sandalwood Spiritual Meaning:
Sandalwood is a wonderful wood to keep you at peace and is a monk’s choice of wood. This is the best type of wood for calm peace and love. Sandalwood spiritual meaning is undefinable, and you understand it once its around you.
Rosewood Spiritual Meaning:
The beautiful rosewood bracelet has compassionated and loving heart qualities. The energy that rosewood posses is like no other wood and is focused on spiritual aspect. It is spiritual and nourishing. Rosewood is amazingly effective in spiritual healing. This wood is a go to if you are looking for healing.
Ebony Spiritual Meaning:
Ebony wood is considered one of the best woods for protection from negative people and energies.

It is considered very useful in the seeking of spiritual strength and exploring intuition and emotion.
For centuries, many people have used ebony wood for spiritual purposes. They can help bring peace and calmness to one.

Ebony wood has been used all over India and is still used. However, there has been a significant ban on Ebony wood harvesting.
Ebony wood bracelets are becoming extremely common. Originating in India, Siri Lanka, and West Africa, Ebony wood bracelets are trendy there.
Silkwood Spiritual Meaning:
This kind of wood has a distinct smell and the aroma is lovely and very fresh when smelling this bracelet with eyes closed. You will know the real smell of the hearts of Asian rainforests; the scent may calm down after a while, but it will never disappear, and its patina will only look nicer and better with time.
Bloodwood Spiritual Meaning:
Bloodwood is one of the strongest and unique woods in the world, which will give the illusion that it's bleeding when cut. This red dark sap that flows from the tree has many uses and benefits, which were used in the old world as a magical medicine to cure many illnesses. It is a magical medicine and will heal someone both physically and spiritually. The best type of wood to go with if you’re seeking to be healed.
Birch Spiritual Meaning:
The tree that is called the “Truth tree.” It is highly believed that it will help you say the truth when the right time comes. This tree is one of the more beautiful trees we have around today. The tree that has been around since the dawn of humans, birch tree is a lovely tree and should be used.

Mahogany Spiritual Meaning:
The tree that helps you grow spiritually and helps guide you in a correct path. This is the Mahogany tree. It is an excellent wood for emotions and spiritual healing. Though since a brittle wood is best used as a band of a ring rather than as a main wood.

African Blackwood Spiritual Meaning:
Often mistaken for ebony, since it is a normal black color. However, African blackwood isn’t part of the ebony family. African blackwood helps increase intellectual changes in life and removing communication barriers.

Eucalyptus Spiritual Meaning:
One of the strongest healing woods we know of today. It is used for many medicines for centuries and is still used to this day and is being tested. The energy of this wood is good and pure, clean like the earth from which it is born, The wood is recommended to fight against illnesses and promoting good well-being.

Purpleheart Spiritual Meaning:
Purpleheart the spiritual wood. It increases energy dealing with knowledge and creativity. One of the best woods when dealing with spiritual healing and health, purpleheart would be a very useful in removing negative energies around you and creating a safe home for both you and your loved ones.

Hawaiian Koa Wood Spiritual Meaning:

Koa is a popular wood to go with if you want the following we’ve listed above.

Spruce Spiritual Meaning:
The spirit of spruce tree golds great knowledge about healing. This tree and its relation to metaphysical causes of disease.

The spirit is gentle and is not unusual for those who listen to the spirit of spruce. This is one of the most common types of wood.

Willow Spiritual Meaning:
The tree of Emotion is what people call this tree. Love, peace, Intuition, and inspiration is referred to as the willow tree. This loving tree is amazing for the following things we’ve listed.

Ash Spiritual Meaning:
The Beautiful Ash Tree has many meanings and the main being Peace. It is believed that it promotes peace of mind and promotes good health to one being.

Cherry Spiritual Meaning:
Cherry is a wonderful wood and teaches us many lessons. One being of clearing the pain of the heart and relating to others in a loving way. Cherry is the called the “Tree Of Heart.”

All the trees are beautiful, and each have their own spiritual benefits. With the centuries we have been around we have not fully discovered each spiritual benefit of each tree. Understanding them is key and that’s what we have been doing at Buddhist bracelet.

It is important to use the tree you like the most as it will help you through the tough times you are having. The trees are very important to keep once health. Whether its physically or spiritually. It does not mean you have to buy a tree or buy a log. Simply, buying an accessory like a necklace, earrings, or even a bracelet can help you spiritually.

All wood we have is 100% natural and we pick each log to make sure it’s the highest quality of them all. This is what the wood represents in a spiritual way. Each have a magical wood meaning.
The Promises Of Buddhist Bracelet
Many promises were made and many promises were kept. Mr. Kal's grandfather wanted an authentic and real business that sold some of the best materials in the world. One of the promises was to sell 100% Exotic, Natural and High-quality bracelets. Mr. Kal still continues this tradition after the passing of his grandfather and has kept this promise. Everything we state about our monk bracelets is guaranteed & promised.
- Exoticness: We here at Buddhist bracelets, have some of the most exotic materials in the world. Many others claim there bracelets are real, but we can guarantee you that you have never worn a real & exotic bracelet like ours.

- High-Quality: Okay, they might say "We have natural bracelets." Buddhist bracelet doesn't focus on only having natural bracelets, but also High-quality bracelets. Here at Buddhist bracelets we have some of the Highest-graded bracelets in the world that have been lab tested and proven.

- Blessed: All Buddhist bracelet have been blessed by a monk to ensure L.I.F.E. (Love, Intelligence, Freedom Enjoyment) This is done through a blessing, a monk recites a specific mantra to attract as much positive energy as possible. More info on Buddhist Bracelet.