How do I identify fake sandalwood beads?
- Check color: Usually sandalwood beads are yellow. It has little to no variation or visible grain.
- Texture: It is usually straight and smooth. Should not feel rough or grimy.
- Scratching: When cutting/scratching the sandalwood bead, you should notice it is yellow. The color of the bead should not turn white or any other color. (Please understand we are not saying cut your bead in half but rather scratching it to see whether its painted or not.)
- Smell: There should be a smell to your sandalwood beaded bracelet. If it has not smell, it means it is fake wood.
- There are other ways of identifying wood. Wood has DNA like humans, the DNA is in every cell of wood and cannot be faked. There are a number of companies using these techniques to make sure there would is real like ourselves, DNA testing sandalwood is the best way to identify any wood as genuine and real Indian Sandalwood beads, right down to the genus and species.

Their hundreds of ways to tell if sandalwood beads is real or fake. However, these 5 methods are the most used and are the main ways to check if your sandalwood beads is real. It’s sad for us to see that many people are falling for this “trick.” We personally have been selling wood and authentic beaded bracelets for over 100 years and are disappointed with what we see. We have good news. If you’re looking for an authentic wood bracelet, we have just that. We are not asking anyone to buy our wood bracelets but are asking to see them and let us know what you think. However, since obtaining these exotic woods are hard, we are always at low stock.
Truth behind Sandalwood beads
We are going against many companies’ violations here. We are here to tell the truth about how companies are selling fake sandalwood beads to the public and are claiming it is real. Sandalwood beads is one of the oldest woods still around. (Since the 16th century) Are you ready to read about the truth that many companies will never dare to share? And how to properly identify original sandalwood beads?
As we have stated above original sandalwood beads has been around for a long time. Sandalwood beads has been around since 1501 and is still around to this day. Day by day sandalwood beads is getting more expensive, but why? This is because sandalwood beads takes a long time to grow (3 years) and is not being replanted.
Sandalwood beads is one of the rarest and most expensive types of wood on the planet. In an article written by Lingo they claim that sandalwood beads is one of the most expensive wood in the world. In the last 700 years sandalwood beads has been worn by many royal courts.

Sandalwood beads is officially an endangered species, many countries are considering/putting restrictions on it being used. Sandalwood beads is getting so rare that a small sandalwood board costs could cost up to $40-$75 Overall, it wouldn’t make sense for a company to spend $75 on a sandalwood board and sell a Sandalwood beaded bracelet for $50 as they have just lost money and made no profits to keep the business growing.
Most companies are faking sandalwood beads?
The answer is simple, original sandalwood is found in India, India has banned sandalwood because of its rarity so many companies around the world decided to use “Laminate wood.” Laminate wood is a multi-layer synthetic piece of wood. This “Laminate” does have wood (10%) However, it mainly consists of other materials that aren’t good for one’s health and can be toxic to a human. It is mainly composed of two materials melamine resin and fiber board materials. Laminate wood has many other materials inside of it that would be to boring to list. Get An Authentic Sandalwood Bracelet Here.
Laminate wood is used so widely (about 99% of sandalwood use laminate wood instead of authentic Sandalwood) many companies around the world , including some of the largest and most well-known brands are promoting their sandalwood bead bracelets. They get this wood from china and claim its real. True sandalwood is typically found in southern India, western Africa, and Indonesia.
Why say it's real sandalwood beads?

It’s not easy getting your hand on authentic sandalwood. As we’ve said a sandalwood tree can take up to 2-3 years to grow and has been prohibited. Many companies do not have that time and patience for that. They also do not have anyone to supply them real sandalwood.
Handmade Sandalwood beaded bracelet
Simple answer, we have been around for more than a hundred years. Our Sandalwood beaded bracelet was intended only for monks, sultans, and kings. When presenting a bracelet (back then) to a high arch it would take hours of inspecting a bracelet to ensure the bracelet was 100% handcrafted, natural, and uses top-quality materials. We have given our sandalwood beaded bracelet all around the world and have been noticed by many like; Jigme K. –King of Bhutan, Ongino K. –Popular monk, and Sehzade o -Sultan. We also have many projects coming up. One of our main projects we will be focusing on is how and where our craftsman makes each bead. Like the video of us showing you how our monk blesses each bracelet.
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