Vietnam Agarwood bracelet (Double Super Graded) 1/2
Vietnam Agarwood Bracelet Promises/Guarantees;
- 100% Handcrafted Agarwood Bracelet
- 100% Blessed By A Monk
- 100% Natural Grown Wood
- 100% Made From HIGH Type of Vietnam Agarwood (DOUBLE SUPER GRADE)
- No Artificial Fragrance
- No Coloring
- No Injection Oil
- No Cultivation Tree and No Other Additives
- No Press Wood
- No Crocodile/Buaya or Aetoxylon Spp Agarwood.
Note: All Super High-Quality Agarwood Looks Extremely Similar.
Our Vietnam Agarwood Bracelet Characteristics
Vietnam Agarwood Material: Gyrinops
Vietnam Agarwood Condition: New Condition

Vietnam Agarwood Fragrance: It's Extremely Fragrant, Very Sweet, and Soft Smell

Vietnam Agarwood Origin: Quang Binh, Vietnam
Why Is Vietnam Agarwood Bracelets Expensive?
Agarwood is very expensive in 2010 prices of Vietnam agarwood ranged up to $100,000/kg. This is due to the fact that most agarwood trees are going extinct and aren't being infected with a fungus. The reason Vietnam agarwood costs so much is also due to the fact that it has to have Phialophora parasitic (Fungus). it highly uncommon for a tree to be infected with it and in some areas impossible to find this type of fungus. However, we provide this type of bracelet and are always running low on stock.

Vietnam Agarwood Bracelets & its history

Vietnam Agarwood is the common name for resinous wood that forms in the ancient Aquilaria and some Gyrinops species of trees that grow in the hearts of the dense forests of South East Asia. The wood of the tree produces this dark aromatic resin, which is very similar to wood but not exactly wood. This agarwood is a part of its natural defense mechanism when the tree is infected.

It is said that the percentage of old Aquilaria and Gyrinops species is less than 1% from the overall portion of trees in the world, and in that 1% for every ten trees, only one will have its heartwood considerably infected to make this Vietnam agarwood.

In almost every ancient scripture of the Sanskrit, Torah, Gospel, and the Muslim scriptures, there is a reference to the Vietnam agarwood and its value and benefit.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) held the tradition of fumigation with agarwood, which continues in the Muslim world up to this day.

Sufis, in Islam, used and burned agarwood in meditation and recitation; this is known as "dhikr" to purify the soul and strengthen the will and inner light.

The Song of Songs describes King Solomon (peace be upon him) as "coming up from the desert like a column of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and incense" and there are numerous references throughout this book of the Old Testament to "every kind of incense tree", which popular belief denotes to agarwood.

The Bible mentioned several citations of Oud, including a text in which Jesus (peace be upon him) is said to have been perfumed with Vietnam agarwood.

The emperors and the extremely wealthy ancient Chinese used to make their coffins out of this Vietnam agarwood.

The most precious Buddhist string of beads is made of agarwood.

A famous Buddhist story tells of a Buddhist monk sacrificing his prayer rosary in which he grinds one of his Vietnam agarwood beads into powder whenever he met the sick to cure them with it, which resulted in even the severely stricken person getting well.

Some stories of the extreme habits of the luxury of King Louis XIV of France said that he had the practice of washing some of his clothes in the agarwood oil.

In the Japanese culture and the Japanese art of KODO, agarwood is considered by far the best and the most precious and is believed to bring great luck and prosperity to the person.

In the Chinese tradition of Feng-shui, the art and discipline of energy flow in the place and space, and the Vietnam agarwood has been associated with producing great luck and positive energy wherever placed.

This Buddhist Vietnam bracelet is 100% natural Vietnam agarwood, handmade by a master artist, individually blessed by a Buddhist monk.
We not only source our wood directly and ethically; we make sure that we NEVER source or use wood from endangered forests or unethical sources.

This is a natural Vietnam agarwood bracelet with the ability of the smell to distill your thoughts. They help you get into a good and perfect state of mind. You can find a lot of happiness, and, easily avoid suffering from your problem.

The Difference Between Fake & Real Vietnam Agarwood Bracelets
It’s not easy to tell whether a Vietnam agarwood bracelet is real or fake, especially if you are new to it.

First, Fake Vietnam agarwood doesn’t have a smell, and if it does have a smell, it’s a very weak smell that’s very noticeable. A real Vietnam agarwood bracelet has a nice smell, the smell is of the wood. A fake agarwood bracelet can also have a smell, however, the smell doesn’t smell good at all. Old Agarwood like ours tends to have a stronger smell. A real agarwood bracelet has the smell within. This means if you cut it in half you will still be able to smell the wood.

Secondly, real Vietnam agarwood has different types of colors. (typically, 2-3) Fake agarwood is one solid color. It's solid because fake agarwood gets injected with oils. By one color usually, Vietnam Agarwood bracelets have a thick black oil coating on them that is super easy to tell. However, agarwood bracelets that are older can have no colors. So, choosing what's real and not isn't the easiest step.

Interesting Facts About Vietnam Agarwood Bracelets
- There are 26 species of agarwood across 15 countries.
- Agarwood is more precious than gold.
- Fake agarwood is more popular than ever.
- Vietnam Agarwood is mentioned in the Bible.
- Vietnam Agarwood is mentioned in the Quran.
- Vietnam Agarwood was used worldwide.
- Vietnam Agarwood is on verge of extinction.
- Vietnam Agarwood Is one of the best types of Agarwood